Sunday, October 27, 2013

Healthy Diet Plans For Women & Men|free Dest Diet Meal Plans: 2 Simple Tips For The Most Effective Abs Diet Plan

Now we know to have a flat sexy stomach or a washboard abs your diet is the most important factor in achieving this look. So if want to get to low levels of body fat then here a few simple tips that can take away some of the guesswork and give you a very effective abs diet plan. Tip 1 - Eat 1 Ingredient Food This is a tip that I have mentioned before that is really simple yet I think people just don't follow it as much as they think they do. If you just eat real food that has 1 ingredient such as meats, fish, vegetables, and fruits you will have a very clean diet and with the right portion control will have a very effective diet for fat loss. It really does not get any easier or simpler than that. To make it even more effective don't go crazy on the animal products and get the majority of you calories from plants foods (these are more preferable to get super lean) and fruits. Now this doesn't mean meals should be one ingredient just that your plate should be made up of one ingredient food types. By following this plan you will also find that your hunger is better satisfied with less cravings due to the nutrient density of these foods but you will be eating fewer calories. However your plates will be full and it will feel like you are still eating a lot of food so the diet doesn't feel as restrictive. Look at any diet program on the market and they all will promote this type of food selection. Tip 2 - Don't Eat Too Much Hey yet again a really simple bit of advice but it is one area that so many people fall down. Just because you are following what is considered a healthy clean diet doesn't mean you don't have to watch how much you are eating. This is especially true when trying to get your abs to pop out. As a general rule of thumb take your weight in pounds and multiply by 10. What ever this figure is I would reduce it by 10% and use that as your daily calorie allowance. If you're not losing weight at this amount first look at your quality of your diet and improve if possible. If this doesn't work and your exercising regularly then reduce this by another 10% and keep doing this till you find the right amount of calories for your body to burn fat. Add intermittent fasting if you want to make this easier. If your reading this and thinking I will never be able to stick with this or I don't like vegetables etc then I would consider what I practice which is intermittent fasting. This is basically for 2 days a week I skip breakfast and lunch and have a healthy1 ingredient food type meal for dinner. On the other days I eat relatively healthy without counting calories plus I have the odd treat meal here and there. Now I am simplifying this slightly and actually use a program called Eat Stop Eat, which explains the whole strategy and science behind this diet plan. Personally I have found this very easy to follow and the results have been impressive. Whatever path you decide to choose remember the two basic ingredients for any successful abs diet plan is real whole foods and eat less than you need. Who said losing weight wasn't easy? I am Howard Standring a Personal Trainer who lives in Southern Spain. I coach and advice men and women of all ages to help them achieve a lean attractive body that lasts for life.
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