Thursday, July 11, 2013

Weight Loss - The Safe Way

It seems like everyone now a days is concerned about their image and health. Everywhere we look we see ads for weight loss pills, diets, surgeries and exercises.  Every advertisement seems to promise the same goal over and over again, "Get amazing results with our product" but just how much of that statement is true?

Looking through a magazine at the doctor’s office this morning I counted 12 different advertisements for weight loss.  Some were pills others exercise kits and the last one was for the lap band surgery. How did we as a society get too wrapped up in our image that we don't even worry about the side effects of advertised product?

Let’s think about this for a minute.  We read a magazine and find an advertisement for a "natural" supplement that promises exactly everything that you are looking for. In the ad it says you can go to your nearest chain retail store and buy this miracle pill for a low price.  This seems wonderful right?

You buy the pills, take them home and then read the directions. You are so excited about the potential results that you happen to skip over the fine print. You take the pills as directed and feel okay the first couple of days.  The next few days you realize that your heart is racing or you become extremely flushed or dizzy upon standing.  These are the side effects I mentioned.

Instead of trusting the ever so friendly staff at your local retail store, why don't you decided to shop at a store that is designed to help you make correct and safe weight loss decisions.  A supplement store or a store that specifically sells products like vitamins or natural products would be more than happy to help recommend a solution to help you lose weight.

Granted, these stores too have some weight loss supplements that may also be dangerous but the staff in those stores are trained to recommend options that are best for you. Sometimes a pill supplement is just what you need to go hand in hand with the diet changes you are changing.  Make sure to consult your physician before taking any new pills or supplements to make sure there are no contraindications with any other medicines you may be taking.

Of course, there is no such thing as a miracle pill that will give you the exact body you want. Weight loss takes a lot of time, patience and commitment.  Not only are vitamins and supplements an important part of the process but changing your diet, eating healthy and exercising at least three times a week are also imperative to losing weight.

More often than not we hear people complaining that they are not losing weight fast enough or losing as much as they had hoped for.  Here is where you need to sit back and take a look at your eating habits and exercise schedule. When you wake up in the morning, your breakfast should contain a healthy dose of protein. This protein boost first thing in the morning will help keep you energized until mid-morning.

You should plan to snack a couple times a day.  One snack mid-morning and one snack in the later afternoon before dinner.  These small snacks will help refuel your body if you are feeling tired and hungry.

Having a correctly portioned meal for dinner is key. Many of us will sit down to dinner and eat a first helping and then a second, sometimes even a third.  Instead of having two or three helpings, start your meal with a fresh salad.  Not only will you be eating your daily veggie intake, but it will help to fill you up and also help your digestion.

In conclusion, it is important to really research any form of weight loss treatments you intend to use.  Consult a physician or a nutritionist to help you make a decision that is best for you.

Image courtesy of foto76 at

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